Disco Abroad is your entryway into a new and exciting culture.

Have you always wanted to live in another part of the world? Do you have the skill set necessary to shape the minds of tomorrow?

Well, it’s our job to combine them. We liaise between prospective teachers and schools around the globe, making the process as seamless and hassle-free as possible.

What We Offer

Looking to escape the ordinary? Join us at Disco Abroad, where we connect English speakers with exciting teaching opportunities around the globe!

  • South Korea

    A popular choice for first-timers and experienced teachers alike. South Korea is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant K-pop music scene, delicious cuisine, technological innovations, stunning natural landscapes, and traditional arts and crafts.

  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong is regarded as a place where 'East meets West' and where the old and the new live side by side. Its incense-filled temples, colonial buildings, and glass-and-steel skyscrapers, along with its ancient traditions and lively festivals, have made Hong Kong a living cultural experience.

  • Czech Republic

    The Czech Republic is known for its stunning castles, unique culture, and traditional beer.
    Its people are some of the warmest people on the planet, despite the cold weather! With its affordable lifestyle and amazing geographical location, it numbers in one of the top best places to live in Europe.

  • Peru

    Waves crash against desert coastlines, rare creatures thrive in dense jungles, and ancient towns and temples tuck into the folds of mountain ranges. Peru is a place of adventure and wildness. The 3rd largest country in South America it is famed for its gastronomy and once-in-a-lifetime sights.

Why are we the best fit for you?

We offer first-hand experience in teaching abroad. We have been there and done that. We can tell you about the cultural differences, what to expect, and how to prepare. You name it, we have lived through it. Our job does not end when you sign the contract; we are here should you need any advice or aid during your journey, every step of the way.

Our Teachers

Get in Touch

Let us know how we can assist you in your teaching journey around the globe. We're here to help you shine in the classroom!

Just include in the message which country interests you.